Customizable Hair Color

We’ve been hard at work on the Parafolk, and we are now preparing to showcase them through various features of the Paramaker. Here is a first teaser: hair color customization! As planned, we have a color wheel. But as always, we are big on details. We’ve also divided the hair into four individually recolorable regions: ‘base’, roots, tips and accents/streaks. The specifics of these will vary from hairstyle to hairstyle; after all, an afro doesn’t have the same kind of tips as very straight hair. Our demo video might look a bit rough - bringing our aesthetic vision to life was no easy task! This hairdo is still a work in progress, and you can expect the game to have a variety of them. Patrons will already be familiar with this feature. But it won’t be the last you’ll see for hair customization

Alex Massé